Physical Therapist in Wantagh

It has been a long winter waiting for opening day. But luckily, baseball season will be underway starting March 29th! Unfortunately, as with any sport, baseball has its fair share of injuries that come along with it. However, if you are looking for a physical therapist in Wantagh, Advance Physical Therapy is here to help prevent any baseball injuries that could possibly occur during season.

Some injuries of note are, but are not limited to:

  • Rotator cuff strain or inflammation
  • Meniscal tear/strain
  • Wrist and/or ankle sprains
  • Elbow inflammation

The statistics show that most of the injuries that occur in sports happen to children from ages five to fourteen. Of this population size and type, roughly 775,000 of the kids who play a sport will suffer a sports injury, with baseball injuries making up only around 110,000 of those cases.  Now, this data may sound scary, but our physical therapist in Wantagh can help you with some tricks to avoid these injuries so you can keep playing!

When dealing with injury prevention in sports, the easiest fix is to stretch properly before beginning practice. However, sometimes proper stretching isn’t enough to keep an athlete from getting injured. In those cases, the acronym of “PRICE” has been used by physical therapists to great effect. “PRICE” stands for:

  • Protection: Applying ace-bandages, splints, or medical tape to prevent further injury.
  • Rest: Letting the body recover from the initial injury.
  • Ice: Used to reduce swelling in the location of injury for twenty minutes on and off.
  • Compression: Used after the ice is removed to reduce potential swelling.
  • Elevation: Raising the injured area so that the blood flow to that area is reduced.     

If you’re still experiencing excessive levels of pain and are looking for a physical therapist in Wantagh, let us help you get back in the game! Contact us today to start your personalized recovery at 516-568-4444.