Physical Therapy in Astoria, NY
Carpal tunnel syndrome is often described as tingling or weakness in the hand. This condition is caused by pressure on an individual’s median nerve. The median controls all finger movement except the pinky and runs from the top of the arm through the hand. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome commonly get worse with time, so it is important to seek out medical treatment early on. If you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, contact Advance Physical Therapy in Astoria today!
Symptoms and Causes
The symptoms of carpal tunnel start slowly at first and can gradually get worse over time. Some of the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:
- Discomfort in the wrist or palm of the hand
- Numbness through the fingers
- A shock that travels from the arm to the fingers.
- Weakness in the hand with a tendency to drop objects
The pain felt when an individual has carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by an increase in pressure in the wrist. In most cases, there is an underlying medical condition that causes this swelling. Some conditions that are associated with carpal tunnel syndrome include:
- Diabetes
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Fluid retention
- High blood pressure
- Autoimmune disorders
- Past trauma to the hand
If you have any questions about the symptoms and causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, call Advance Physical Therapy in Astoria.
How We Can Help
Carpal tunnel syndrome can make daily activities uncomfortable and painful. Thankfully, our team can help lessen the pain through the use of different therapies. We will utilize all resources to help you through a quick and painless recovery. When you become part of our hands-on program, we will guide you every step of the way to help bring you the comfort you deserve. If you believe you could benefit from physical therapy for your carpal tunnel, contact Advance Physical Therapy in Astoria to schedule an appointment today.