Astoria Physical Therapist

Returning To Your Normal Exercise Routine, Gradually

This year, many daily routines were thrown out the window thanks in part to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the end to the pandemic still likely not coming until far in the future, areas are starting to open back up, signally a somewhat return to normalcy. What better time is there to get back into your [...]

Combating Muscle Atrophy with Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy in Astoria, NY   Muscle atrophy is the loss of muscle tissue in the body either as a result of an injury and no longer being able to move or use that muscle, or as a result of aging and not being as active. One way that you can combat muscle atrophy is [...]

Dealing With The Pain Of Shin Splints

Physical Therapy in Astoria, NY Shin Splints are most commonly known as being a distinct pain occurring below the knee. Athletes such as runners, tennis players, and dancers are most commonly affected by this issue. If you believe you could be suffering from shin splints don't hesitate to contact Advance Physical Therapy in Astoria to [...]

May is World Stroke Awareness Month

Physical Therapy in Astoria, NY   Worldwide, many health аnd heart organizations соmе tоgеthеr in order tо rаiѕе awareness оn what causes а stroke, the side-effects from surviving a stroke, and what treatment options are available for the survivor. Being that May is the month for stroke awareness, we at Advance Physical Therapy in Astoria [...]

Physical Therapy in Astoria

PT in Astoria The underlying objective of physical therapy is the restoration/maintenance of movement and full ranges of motion in the human body. Physical therapists can be used to recover from an injury, recover after a surgical procedure, or simply improve movement capabilities. Conditions treated by Astoria physical therapists range from cystic fibrosis and carpal [...]

K-Laser Therapy for Bell’s Palsy in Astoria

Bell’s Palsy is a condition in which muscles on one side of your face become weak or paralyzed. Bell’s Palsy can only occur on one side of your face at a time and gives off a droopy or stiff look. When it comes to treating Bell’s Palsy, K-Laser is highly recommended in order to see [...]

Physical Therapy for Femur Fractures

If you are reading this because you have fractured your femur.  We here at Advance Physical Therapy with locations on Long Island and in Astoria, we urge you to remember the seriousness of the situation. Being that the femur is the hardest bone in the human body, there are very few explanations for its fracturing. [...]

By |2018-06-11T21:08:32+00:00August 17th, 2017|Astoria Physical Therapist|0 Comments

Functional Mobility

Click Here to Learn More! Functional mobility is a person’s ability to move around their environment and complete everyday tasks. A person’s environment is the space they move in and interact with, such as their house or place of work. Getting up from a chair, walking up the stairs, or making yourself food [...]

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