Physical Therapy In Queens

Strengthening Exercises For The Shoulder

After sustaining an injury, many people assume the only way to make a full recovery is to immobilize the injured area and allow it to heal. While this method can work great for some injuries, others will require a more active approach for treatment. At Advance Physical Therapy, our team provides patients with the sessions [...]

Avoiding Snowboarding Injuries

If you or someone you know has suffered a snowboarding injury this winter season, Advance Physical Therapy in Valley Stream is here to provide quality treatment and care. Contact our office today for more information to learn how we can help you stay healthy and safe while out on the slopes this winter season.  Snowboarding [...]

Dealing With The Pain Of Shin Splints

Physical Therapy in Astoria, NY Shin Splints are most commonly known as being a distinct pain occurring below the knee. Athletes such as runners, tennis players, and dancers are most commonly affected by this issue. If you believe you could be suffering from shin splints don't hesitate to contact Advance Physical Therapy in Astoria to [...]

Physical Therapy Treatment in New York

Why Choose Physical Therapy? Staring all the way back in 1914 after World War I physical therapy was used to help rehabilitate soldiers coming back from the war. Today, physical therapy has taken on many different specialties by helping those who are injured or in pain get back to feeling right. With the goal [...]

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