With fall quickly approaching it’s time to prepare for National Physical Therapy Month (NPTM). NPTM is held by the American Physical Therapy Association every October in order to recognize how physical therapists and their assistants dedicate their time to restoring and improving motion in people’s lives. The American Physical Therapy Association is a prestigious organization that represents over 88,000 physical therapists, assistants, and students of physical therapy nationwide.
National Physical Therapy Month is so important that it has become a recognized celebration in the National Health Observances Calendar. This is a time that the American Physical Therapy Association is able showcase how their skills can greatly improve your life. They also highlight how to avoid surgery and long-term use of prescription medicines by staying fit and healthy.
This year’s focus will be mainly on sports injury prevention. Now that school is starting and fall sports are underway it is especially important to take the proper precautions when playing sports. Some important tips include making sure your body has at least one day off from the sport to allow your body to recover; it is also important to strengthen and condition your muscles to keep them in shape.
The most important part of National Physical Therapy Month is that you become educated and aware of what you can do in order to keep your body safe and in the best possible shape.
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