Have you been experiencing any throbbing or aching after a daily workout or long day? Medial tibial stress syndrome, better known as shin splints, may be the underlying cause. Although shin splints are more likely to occur in runners, dancers, and other athletes, they can happen to anyone. There are two main reasons that athletes are more prone to shin splints. First, any frequent and intense workout is going to put a lot of stress on the shin. Overtime, this repetitive abuse on the shin causes physical damage. Second, changing the surface you workout or run on negatively affects the shin. For example- a cross-country race that transitions from asphalt to dirt can harm the integrity of the shin.
Other, less frequent, causes can also lead to shin splints such as:
- Stress fractures or tiny breaks in the shin
- Flat feet
- Weakness in the hips or core
- Poor lumbar spine function
The primary symptoms of shin splints include pain and tenderness along the tibia and potential swelling of the lower leg. Pain or discomfort is primarily noticed during the time of exercise and usually subside afterwards.
Shin splints usually heal over time, but there are a handful of beneficial options to make the process quicker and less painful. A few things that may help you from home are resting, keeping your legs raised, and on and off icing. Two weeks off from intense activity is usually necessary.
In addition to these at home remedies, physical therapy is a tremendous help for someone with shin splints. The therapists can inform you on ways to walk, run, or exercise differently in order to promote minimal pain. In addition to improving the way you work out, a physical therapist will put together a plan structured to reduce your discomfort. Advance Physical Therapy has four convenient locations across Nassau County and Queens. Contact our nearest physical therapist to begin relieving your shin splints today!