At Advance Physical Therapy located in Astoria, Valley Stream, Wantagh, and Lindenhurst, you will always get the “one-on-one” care that has made our practice the first choice for so many. We strive for your complete satisfaction and are focused on your needs as an individual always. That is why our motto at Advance Physical Therapy is: “fast, effective treatment-one patient at a time.”
Some of our additional services include:
- Balance and Dizziness Programs
- Specialty Programs for: Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Wellness and “Aftercare” Programs
- Functional Capacity Evaluations
- Work Hardening
- Ergonomic Assessments
- Geriatric Conditioning and Strength Programs
- Pediatric Rehabilitation
Contact Us For Sports Rehab and Physical Therapy in Valley Stream
Sports Rehab with Advance Physical Therapy
Sports injuries are not particular in who they affect; patients of varying ages and conditions can experience a multitude of different kinds of concerning health pain. Treatments come in many different methods for the particularities and severity of your pain management. One of the most important things an athlete can do to protect themselves is to become knowledgeable of potential injuries with their sport, and practice helpful stretching and strengthening exercises for muscle stability.
However, even with proper guarding tips, athletes can still fall victim to injuries, and targeted physical therapy can help rejuvenate even the most painful accidents. Sports injuries can occur because of an awkward landing, subjected sprain, projected overtraining, or improper stretching. Physical therapists are imperative aids for athletes, helping to prioritize a tailored exercise regimen that educates the patient on advisable self-care tips. Some introductory fact-aids can help you address the concerns of your injury:
- The most common sports injuries are usually minor bruising or sprains, but some injuries are more severe.
- More severe conditions are concussions, herniated discs, dislocations, torn ligaments, broken, or fractured bones.
- Many sports injuries are preventable and happen because the person is not properly stretched before beginning in the rigorous activity.
- Every athlete should workout daily to strengthen their muscles and joint. They should also stretch before and after every workout, game, or practice. This will help to stretch muscles, increase flexibility, and increase blood flow.
- At-home treatments can be used in disgression, but your doctor or physical therapist should be contacted should your pain worsen or not improve. During an at-home treatment, you should see improvement in swelling and bruising after about a month. If you notice further discoloration and swelling after the initial month you should contact a professional.
- At your first physical therapy appointment, the therapist will test your range of motion, flexibility, and strength to determine the issue that caused your related injury. Together you and your therapist will come up with a treatment plan to increase your strength, muscles, and prevent further injury.
Sports injuries can be an intimidating concern to worry about without the aid of a physical therapist. Not only will you gain a successful recovery faster and more efficiently, but you will also avoid doing any further damage to your injury with self-proclaimed treatment plans. Advance PT prides itself on expert therapists that understand how to meet the prospective goals and needs of athletic injuries. We can help you get back into your ring without any limitations.
Returning To Your Normal Exercise Routine, Gradually
After taking an extended break away from physical activity it’s important that you gradually ease yourself back into working out. Your body will not be able to handle the same amount of strain it once was when you exercised more consistently. At Advance Physical Therapy, we’d like to help you ease back into exercising without suffering from pain or injury.
Remember To Pace Yourself
Whether you have taken weeks or months off from exercising, it’s important to remember that your body will not be at the level it was at the initial time of your break from routine. While you may want to jump back into performing exercises at your previous levels of ability and intensity, doing so will cause more harm than good. Pushing yourself too hard too fast can help lead to injury, putting your fitness journey further back and setting you off schedule.
Stay Motivated
You may not have any issues staying motivated to work out once you decide to start getting back into your routine. However, it’s not uncommon for this motivation to wean, leaving you in a sedentary rut. To help avoid this, we recommend using the below motivational tips:
- Avoid making comparisons on social media to other people’s routines, everyone is different!
- Set realistically achievable goals for every week, month.
- Plan rewards for working out a certain amount of days each week.
- Switch up your routines often.
- Don’t base all your workout victories on a number on your scale.
Don’t Forget To Hydrate!
If you stopped your exercise routine completely once stay at home orders began, one thing you’ll notice is that it’s a lot warmer out now than it was back then. This fact means that you’ll need to put an extra emphasis on staying hydrated while you start your new routine. Increasing your water intake during the summer months will help keep your joints lubricated and pain-free. This will go a long way in allowing you to return to normal workout levels.
Contact Us For Sports Rehab and Physical Therapy in Valley Stream
Staying active this summer will play an important role in maintaining your physical and mental health. However, even after gradually returning to your exercise routine, an injury may still take place. Fortunately, our team at Advance Physical Therapy will be able to help if this happens. For more information regarding our services, make sure you contact our team today.
Knowing The Difference – Muscular Vs. Skeletal Pain
Whenever the human body exerts itself, the potential for injury is always present. Both your muscles and bones can be subjected to trauma, each with its own set of healing parameters that need to be met to make a full recovery. At Advance Physical Therapy, our team is well versed in treating injuries to both the muscles and bones. To determine the differences between muscular and skeletal pain, please consult with a member of our team.
Symptoms Of Muscular Pain
The muscles of your body can become filled with pain for a variety of reasons. One common way is pushing your muscles too far past their normal range of motion. Another is when they are hit with a blunt force. Overusing certain muscle groups can also be the culprit for this problem. When there is an issue with one of the muscles in your body, you may experience the following:
- Swelling.
- Pain whenever you move that muscle/muscle group.
- Tenderness to the touch.
- Weakness.
- Spasms (involuntary contractions of the muscle/muscle group).
Symptoms Of Bone Pain
Much like with muscular pain, bone pain can be debilitating. However, both the causes of this pain and the symptoms experienced vary from muscular pain. Bone pain typically occurs when a blunt force places enough pressure on the bone to inflict damage. It can take place as a result of anything from a fall to a severe car accident. Examples of the symptoms you can experience include:
- A visible deformity in the affected area.
- Complete inability to move the affected area.
- Severe pain.
- Stooped posture.
- Loss of joint function.
Treatment With Advance Physical Therapy
Whether you are suffering from bone or muscular pain, our team at Advance Physical Therapy will help. We’ll perform a full assessment of your injury to determine the best course of action for your treatment. Examples of what can be administered include:
- Physical therapy.
- Chiropractic care.
- Orthopedic rehab.
- Heat/cold therapy.
Contact Us
At Advance Physical Therapy, our top priority is to help patients make a full recovery from their injury. If you’re suffering from muscular or bone pain, you’ve come to the right treatment place. Contact us today to evaluate your condition before crafting the rehabilitation plan that best suits your needs. Our team is here to provide you with physical therapy and sports rehab in Valley Stream!
At-Home Therapeutic Exercises
When it comes to treatment for injuries, there are certain cases where rest is the best medicine. Although it can seem counter-intuitive, other situations call for physical activity to promote healing. Here at Advance Physical Therapy, we help patients by offering the latter. Our team would like to discuss the benefits of physical therapy and why it is essential to perform therapeutic exercises at home.
Why Do Physical Therapy Exercises Help?
It can be challenging for some patients to see how activity is the best course of action for their healing process. If you fall into this category, we understand, which is why we’d like to provide some insight on this topic. Although a period of rest will likely be necessary at first, therapeutic exercises will foster a full recovery in the injured area and its surrounding supportive tissues. By working with us to learn physical therapy exercises, it will help in the following ways:
- Regaining strength.
- Improving flexibility.
- Increasing the range of motion.
- Reducing swelling and stiffness.
- Eliminating pain.
- Mitigating the risk of the injury recurring.
Why Are At-Home Exercises Important?
When you first start a physical therapy regimen, the first step will be for our physical therapists to teach you the most beneficial exercises. We will perform a full assessment of what your body can currently handle, then teach you the exact mechanics needed to complete these exercises. Once this is done, you’ll be playing a direct role in your recovery process. If patients only perform these routines during their in-office sessions, the recovery timeline will be extended. By completing the exercises they are taught during the sessions from the comfort of their own home, they will likely spend less time injured and get back to full health.
Schedule An Appointment For Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab in Valley Stream
After you’ve suffered an injury, you shouldn’t wait to seek treatment. The longer you wait to do so, the more likely it is that you’ll suffer injury-related complications as a result. Here at Advance Physical Therapy, we’ll help with this situation. Our physical therapists will teach you the exercises needed to make a full recovery, all of which can be completed from home. To schedule your first appointment for physical therapy, be sure to contact our team today.