One of the chief complaints we see at our office is back pain. Stretching and staying active are typically considered fantastic ways to stay in good shape and alleviate troublesome back pain. If back pain has interrupted your daily routine, our team at Advance Physical Therapy is here to help. We offer physical therapy to help patients relieve their pain and improve their fitness levels. Continue reading below to learn some helpful stretches to help ease back pain. 

Knee-to-Chest Stretch

One of the exercises we teach patients when they start physical therapy is the knee-to-chest stretch. This exercise can help relieve tension and pain by lengthening the lower back. 

  1. Start on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. 
  2. Use both hands to grab your right lower leg and clasp your hands under the knee. 
  3. Keep your left foot flat on the floor, and pull your right knee towards your chest until you feel a relieving stretch in your lower back. 
  4. Hold this position for up to a minute. Be sure to relax your lower back, hips, and legs. 
  5. Release the right knee and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise on the other leg. 

Pelvic Tilt 

This exercise is a simple way to release tight muscles and maintain flexibility in the back. 

  1. Start this back stretch by lying on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms at your sides. The curvature of your spine will lift your lower back off of the floor. 
  2.  Arch your lower back slowly and push your stomach out. Be sure to engage your core muscles. 
  3. Hold this stretch for up to ten seconds, then relax. 
  4. Push your pelvis up while tightening your core and buttock muscles. Your lower back should be pressing into the floor. 
  5. Hold this stretch for up to ten seconds, then relax. 

Supported Bridge 

You can use a foam roller or cushion to do this exercise. The supported elevation helps decompress the lower back. 

  1. Start on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. 
  2. Place a foam roller or cushion under your hips. 
  3. Relax your body into the floor and support the cushion or roller. 
  4. Hold this position for up to one minute, and repeat 3-5 times. 

Contact Us For Physical Therapy

At Advance Physical Therapy, our mission is to help patients get back to a pain-free life. If you are interested in more exercises to ease your back pain, consider scheduling a session of physical therapy. Contact our team today to learn more!