With gyms finally beginning to reopen in New York, many exercise lovers are slowly making a return to normalcy. However, others undoubtedly have their concerns and will continue to avoid gyms for at least the near future. With free weights and workout machines being so expensive, you may be wondering how you can get a workout in during these trying times. At Advance Physical Therapy, we have the answer you’re looking for when it comes to workout routines with resistance bands. Resistance bands are less expensive than weights and can be used for various exercises that will help keep you in shape.
The Benefits Of Resistance Band Training
When trying to choose your next exercise routine, it’s essential to focus on which come with the most benefits. Few things offer the same benefits as training with resistance bands. They can be used in conjunction with free weights or on their own. Some of the benefits that our team would like to call out include:
- Nearly every muscle group can be trained with resistance bands.
- Resistance bands allow you to perform gym exercises while at home.
- They are cheaper to purchase than free weights.
- Your muscles are challenged in different ways when using resistance bands than with free weights.
Resistance Band Exercises
As previously stated, resistance bands allow you to perform exercises you’d typically have to go to the gym for in your own home’s comfort. This means that many people can still get in an intense workout while they wait until they’re comfortable returning to the gym. To get the most out of your resistance band workout, we recommend the below:
- Lateral walks.
- Overhead squats.
- Bicep curls.
- Single leg dead-lifts.
- Bent Over Rows.
Resistance Bands And Physical Therapy
Our team would like to mention that resistance bands are instrumental in sessions of physical therapy. After a patient sustains an injury, our goal is to teach them to perform various stretches and strengthening exercises to aid in their healing. If they are unable to handle activities using weights, resistance bands make the perfect alternative.
Contact Us
Here at Advance Physical Therapy, we implore you not to overlook the benefits training with resistance bands can bring. If you’d like to learn more exercises you can complete with them, contact our team today.