Muscle strains can develop from past injuries or tension in other parts of the body. Any muscle strain is an overuse of the muscle group that becomes weakened. One example of a muscle strain is called a Calf Strain. Calf Strains usually are caused by exercises that overstress the two muscle groups in the lower part of each leg. Calf strain injuries will sideline many athletes from their sport and cause some muscle fibers to tear. Recovering from a calf strain can be a difficult task. That is why the Physical Therapy near Copiague is here to help! Advanced Physical Therapy specializes in healing calf strains. Advanced Physical Therapy places emphasis on the patient’s treatment and recovery that fits the individual’s needs.

How Do I Know If I Have a Calf Strain?

Some common symptoms of a calf strain are:Physical therapy near Copiague

  • Calf Swelling
  • Calf Bruising
  • Not able to stand on balls of your feet 

Calf Strain injuries vary from patient to patient. Depending on how severe a pulled calf is would determine the level of pain a patient suffers. If any tightness in the calf area occurs during an exercise and sudden pain is present, this is when a visit to the Physical Therapist near Copiague would be beneficial. The Advanced Physical Therapy Team will rule out possible injuries and reassure the patient of the necessary steps to recovery.

What Type of Treatment Could I Expect From A Physical Therapist?

If the Physical Therapist near Copiague diagnosis a patient with a calf strain, the patient could expect to receive several of the treatments listed below:

  • Heated Pads
  • Leg Wraps ‘
  • Propping up leg
  • Ice compression

Included in the treatment would be several exercises after at least a full day of resting the injured calf. Below are some recovery exercises that the Physical Therapist near Copiague would use to help a patient:

  • Stretching– a key element of recovering from a calf injury is stretches. A physical therapist would administer wall stretches, floor stretches, chair stretches, and standing stretches.
  • Mobility– strengthening the calf muscle and making sure the surrounding muscle groups are as mobile as possible

Contact for Physical therapy near Copiague

If you or anyone you know has had a calf injury and is not seeing results. Feel free to contact us for Physical Therapy near Copiague. To contact us, click the link to our website. Advanced Physical Therapy is looking forward to helping you get back to the mobility you deserve!