Proper posture may be on the bottom of your list when it comes to health concerns, but it is one of the easiest things to correct with little effort. Besides the fact that slouching is unattractive it can also cause a variety of complications; such as shoulder muscle impingements, premature degeneration of the discs, lower back pain as well as stiffness and straining of the neck. Here are some easy ways to check and improve your posture that can be easily incorporated into daily life.
Good posture is typically defined as consistency of the normal curvatures of the spine. The neck, mid back and lower back should be balanced and aligned. To ensure your posture is correct, look in the mirror and ask these questions:
Are your hips level?
Is your head held straight?
Are your shoulders in line with your ears?
Are your shoulders level?
Is your chin parallel to the floor?
With recognition of what areas your posture is weak in, you can pay more attention to improving overall posture.
Here are some things to remember throughout the day to ensure you have proper posture, whether its at work, in the car or at home.
Change positions when performing a prolonged activity.
Lift chest and pull shoulders back when in a sitting position.
Keep your car seat upright so your hips are at a 90 degree angle
Stand with even weight displacement on both feet
Wear flat shoes as opposed to high heels
When sleeping on your back, use a flat pillow under head and shoulders
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