Neck Pain

Can Physical Therapy Help With Neck Muscle Spasms?

Physical Therapy in Astoria, NY If you have ever experienced a sharp pain in your neck that may have come out of nowhere, you may have suffered a neck muscle spasm. A spasm is caused when the muscles in the neck get tight from overuse, poor posture, or stress. At Advance Physical Therapy, our physical [...]

Men’s Health Month

Physical Therapy in Astoria, NY What is Men’s Health Month? Junе is Mеn’ѕ Hеаlth awareness mоnth. The purpose of Men’s Health Month, is to raise аwаrеnеѕѕ for рrеvеntаblе health problems that may emerge among men, as well as encourage еаrlу dеtесtiоn аnd treatment оf diѕеаѕes. Men’s Health Month attempts to bring awareness to health issues [...]

Physical Therapy For Neck Pain

Are you experiencing neck pain and do not know how to get rid of it? Luckily for you, we at Advance Physical Therapy in Lindenhurst are here to help! There are many different types of treatments available to you at all four of our locations and we will help you find the right one for [...]

By |2018-06-11T21:08:28+00:00February 23rd, 2018|Neck Pain, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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